A big “THANK YOU” to Developer and Mrs Developer (Sonia) for hosting another excellent BRC on Friday evening. Apologies for my late arrival but I note that it was by prior arrangement – the BRC meeting was arranged by agreement on an evening when I had a prior commitment.
Punter’s absence was noted and regretted by all, although Mav did take up the “how much can I bet” mantra at one stage while acknowledging Punter’s ownership of the phrase.
The most notable feature of the evening from my perspective was the conveyor belt of goodies – I bet pounds to peanuts that no-one left feeling hungry! I was a late arrival but immediately encountered pizza shortly followed by party pies and arancini – this was well before “coffee and dessert” and some who had arrived on time were already claiming to be “full” –brilliant catering by the Developers.
My memory of the card-playing is impaired – this is what happened to busy retirees like me. Particular memories include –
· Mav winning with a pair of aces in hand and a pair on the table which, although unusual (pair of aces in hand - fold), was clearly signalled by Mav and yet BB felt compelled to raise against him – typical BB lunacy.
· Me misreading my hand completely, erroneously believing I had a straight flush when I didn’t (a “senior’s moment”).
· Jagger TC resisting changing a red 5,000 chip (a psychological issue) and consequently folding when he would otherwise have stayed in – the tail wagging the dog.
· Increased use of personal wild cards and “open slather” games.
I eagerly await the results of the card playing from Jagger TC with bated breath, but reiterate my thanks to the Developers – another great BRC evening!
Best wishes and regards.
Notes from Jagger
Fellow BRC members
My apology for the delay.
Great night as usual, specially the food , we seem to drink less and eat more as the years go on. Many thanks for hosting Developer at the Riverview Palazzo.
Please find enclosed the update spreadsheet for 2017 season following our night of the 3rd March. The only correction from the night was the forgotten late penalty arrival of 5000 chips to Sniper, which changed 2nd/3rd and 4th position on the table. Sorry Sniper.
Overall the night was very tight, the difference from first place to last place was only 25000 chips.
The winner on the night was the Professor. It needs special mention as this his first win for many years. I had to go back to 2011 and still nothing. The Professor is operating “under the radar”! Congrats to The Prof for his first win it seems.
Anyway after presenting the 2016 trophies, to the Banker and others , the Banker forgot to take with him the most treasured trophies, his personal first place trophy and the Walter perpetual Trophy. These are currently in TC Jagger’s possession as caretaker until we meet again.
Hopefully we can have Punter at our next games, as he was sorely missed especially the banter. “how much can I bet”
TC Jagger