Welcome to the BRC Website
Members Only
BRC Upcoming Birthdays
Maverick - 31st December
Punter - 26th January
"Raise 200/400/800" - BigBluff
"#$#%@3 off Banker"- Maverick
"Time to pull the popper valve...poppp " - The Rok
"Do you need change BigBluff"- The Developer
"Winners are Grinners" - Maverick
" For the KIDZZZ" - The Rok
"Are you playing conservatively Jagger?" - The Developer
"Pass the Sugar"- The Jagger
"I've just returned from holidays and read all these emails was shocked, yes shocked, to read the suggestion from Paul. Shame on you Paul. What were you thinking! "- The Banker
BRC History
The BRC or Blue Room Club, had it beginnings in 1976 when a group of Civil Engineering Students in their first year of BE Civil at UNSW, met in the Blue Room next to the library( as close to the library as some members got on most days!!!). Most of this group includes all the current members except for The Rok, The Developer and the Professor but also included Walter who has unfortunately passed away.
Poker and Manila were favourite games along with standard non gambling games. Bets started at 2 cents but by graduation had progressed to paper book keeping of debts. This was the golden period of the Jagger !!!
All graduated with a number of members ending up with Transfield. Kept in touch for a while but people got married/ busy/ went overseas etc and the group lost regular contact. With Walter's funeral came an opportunity for a reunion. Soon afterwards, at a later date, a lunch at BigBluff's place brought together the group after which it was agreed a regular card game would occur. Thus the BRC was reborn.
Since then, The Rok has joined, friend of BigBluff but who went to Fort Street High School with several members. The Developer, brother in law of Jagger, Civil engineer at Sydney Uni, was invited to join. The Professor was at UNSW with the members but one year behind, joined after invitation by BigBluff having joined same company.
Membership was closed at 11 members and meetings are now held every 7-9 weeks at alternate members venues. The Punter, who now resides in Hobart, makes the occasional trip to attend a meeting. GT prefers to simply attend the meeting, take down the Statistics for the night and enjoy the banter and the company.
Recent unexpected and sad loss of Giovanni ( Dam It!!) De Cataldo on 17 August 2014 was a real shock to the members, as it was to all who loved and knew him. He will always be fondly remembered along with fellow friend and university buddy Walter.
Great bunch of guys and some very interesting card games are played. Wives still don't get the point !!!
Popular Card Games Played at BRC
Open Book Texas Fat Snake Texas Carss Park Texas Double Texas Strip Texas Wild Manila
Double Manila Strip Manila Irish Omaha Crazy Omaha Cairo Reverse Texas
Vanilla Crazy Box George Cross Double Elevator Strip Zorro No Wild Texas
Strip Pass Texas Dave Strip Strip Big Box Strip Tease Clock
Mexican Sweat Tex- Man Terminator Slider/Strip Double Texas