Rogues Gallery - BRC 2024
TC Jagger (2018, 2009 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Tony, TC, Top Cat Jagger;
Favourite Poker Game: 7 card stud
Playing Style: Chip stack builder and loser, tight
Memorable Moment at Poker: BRC XXXIII-2009 BRC Champion. BRC XXXII - "Pass the Sugar", Jagger's new catch phrase, was embraced by the members. BRC XXXI- Creating a new version of the Rok's Bar-Bell game- The aptly named "Dumb-Bell". Spilling wine/water etc over the table on more than one occasion-
Favourite Football Team: Manly Sea Eagles
BigBluff (2011 and 2010 BRC CHAMPION)

Favourite Poker Game: Terminator Texas
Playing Style: Manaic, loose, ALL-IN!!
Memorable Moment at Poker: Declared BRC 2011 Champion; Declared BRC 2010 Champion
Favourite Football Team: St George Dragons
Sniper (2019, 2017 & 2012 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Rick, Dick, The Traveller
Favourite Poker Game: Texas and Strip Tease
Playing Style: Lays in wait, tight
Memorable Moment at Poker: Whenever he wins
Favouite Football Team: Bulldogs
Maverick (2023 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Nick, The Greek, Nick the Greek, Mav
Favourite Poker Game: Carss Park Holdem
Playing Style: Passionate, emotional, sweats under pressure, loose/tight
Memorable Moment at Poker: Sending cards flying, almost embeding a card into the Sniper and walking out for a cigarette when lost hand to BigBluff due to not listening to game rules for BigBluff's new crazy Irish Oma Ha game - BRC XXVI. Bluffing out BigBluff and Punter on a nothing hand -BRC XXIX
Favourite Football Team: St George Dragons
Professor (2014 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Peter, Peter K, Pete
Favourite Poker Game: Blind Fat Snake Texas
Playing Style: Quite achiever, tight, sometimes brings apprentice
Memorable Moment of Poker: The Blind Fat Snake- BRC XXXIX. Brings unusual playing cards to game
Favourite Football Team: Souths Rabbittos
Banker (2016 Champion)

Aliases: Dave
Favourite Poker Game: Texas
Playing Style: Loose, assistant pot builder but sometimes tight when loses heart
Memorable Moment of Poker: Having a healthy "discussion" with Maverick at most games
Favourite Football Team: St George Dragons
Developer (2015 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: George; TDK; The Duck King
Favourite Poker Game: George Cross
Playing Style: Tight, savours good wins- especially over Jagger or BB, on the phone alot during game-making deals?
Memorable Moment of Poker: Cat nap at BRC XXXX. Delivering his genuine straight flush to clean up the Jagger's wild card fuelled 5 Aces- BRC XXX. Getting his straight flush taken away by Jagger in his rush to redeal- BRC XXVIII. Trying to advise Dam It's son to become a project manager !! - BRC XXVII; 5 Kings at BRC XXXVIII ???
Favourite Football Game: St George Dragons
The Rok (2024 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Jim, Jimbo
Favourite Poker Game: Tex - Man
Playing Style: Chip stack builder and loser, tight
Memorable Moment at Poker: Winning first game of 2010
Favourite Football Team: St George Dragons
Member - Punter (2013 BRC CHAMPION)

Aliases: Pete, Peter C
Favourite Poker Game: Manila
Playing Style: Tight but sometimes loose and will bet with good hand. Asks- "How much can I bet" when he has a good hand.
Memorable Moment of Poker: Still waiting for the Miracle Mile to start 2 hours after switching on radio- BRC XXVII
Favourite Football Team: Manly Sea Eagles

Aliases: Robert, Rob, Bob, Lexus, Stats
Favourite Poker Game: He likes to watch !! and take stats
Playing Style: Observer and occasional commentator
Memorable Moment of Poker: Trying to convince Maverick on a technicality- Not successfull!!
Favourite Football Team: Souths Rabbittos
Hall of Fame - Dam It

Aliases: John, Beaver
Favourite Poker Game: Vanilla
Playing Style: Quite achiever, tight
Memorable Moment at Poker: Whenever he wins
Favourite Football Team: St George Dragons