The final round of the BRC 2013 completion was held at BB's Casino Lugarno on Friday 13th December 2013.
A BBQ was provided and most members except for The Rok and GT were able to make it for dinner.
TC Jagger arrived first straight from the airport, Maverick arrived dressed in character. Punter arrived minus one bottle of St Hugo having christened Macquarie Station with it!!
The Rok arrive in time for late game start dressed in character, GT arrived soon afterwards.
Meeting started with agenda items as issued by BB to the members.
Item 1. concerning The Rok's second attempt ( and again in his absence) to introduce the "Die" was unanimously rejected by the members present.
Item 2. The BB proposal for changing the current Constitution determination of positions for final BRC Championship created some heated debate, Mrs BB was also voting for BB to stop debating, with the members deciding not to follow BB's proposal to share equal standings and in fact follow TC Jagger's suggestion to have a count back which is based on the positions achieved for the current BRC year. The following is proposed Constitution change, further to the meeting by BB:
At the end of the season, the BRC member with the highest points will be declared the BRC Champion. If at the end of the night at around 1.00am with final deal by the Host, at the last game of the season, 2 or more members end up on equal points at the top of the Competition Table, then a count back will be undertaken based on number
of placings during the year. Points for First placings = 3, points for 2nd placings = 2 and points for third or lower placings = 1. Points for the last game of the year are to be included.
If there are 2 equal places for first then count back using points for placings as noted above, the player with
higher points is declared the BRC Champion, the other player is declared as the Runner up.
Assuming first place is clear and if there are 2 equal places for 2nd then using the count back points for placings as noted above, the player with higher points is declared the Runner up, the other player is declared in 3rd place.
Assuming both first and/or 2nd placings are clear and if there are 2 equal places for 3rd then using the count back points for placings as noted above, the player with higher points is declared in 3rd place, the other player is declared in 4th position.
If equal first or second players are relegated to a lower placing then these players will be allocated higher standing to any top 3 placing that may have been achieved prior to resolving any equal placings.
Item 3. The definition of "Terminator" card also caused some heated debate. Finalised and agree meaning is to be as follows:
"Terminator" card , unless specified otherwise, means the nominated card that is only exposed after all hands are declared on the table by all players. If this Terminator card matches any card in any players hand that is declared at the end of betting as a well as any remaining cards in the players hand, then the players that have a card matching the Terminator card are eliminated from the game in play
At last the game could begin with BB's challenge to "innovate" with different versions of games or new games. BB started off with the "Clock" game, a brilliant variation to the double Texas strip/wild game.
Other New Game by members included:
The Turtle - Professor
The Bermuda Triangle V2.0 - BB - Total failure to connect with only The Rok playing ;(
Triple Flop Texas - Sniper
Carss Park first card wild - Mav
The Bermuda Triangle v3.0 - BB
Personal Wild Card - The Rok
10 Pin Texas- Dam It!!
Diagonal X - Developer
Diagonal Box - TC Jagger
Sliding Texas - Punter
Double V Texas - Developer
Highlights of the evening included:
1. BB's "5 sixes" sting on Maverick who could not understand the brilliant strategy used by BB
2. The Bermuda Triangle v2.0 was listed to be "Never Played Again"
3. TC Jagger's frustration after not wining a hand after winning the first game of the night
4. Trying to work out where Mav was looking behind his aviator reflecting glasses
5. Last game chaos with "Terminator" definition needing to be again clarified resulting in Banker being terminated
6. The lack of "innovation" by some members in selecting their card games
7. Galaktoboureko at the 11pm coffee break
Game ended with BB using The Rok's personal wild card game with a terminator card at around 1am.
The top 3 results of the evening as follows:
1st - Sniper
2nd - BB
3rd - Punter
TC Jagger did the final calculations and the Following top 3 placings were declared for the 2013 BRC Season
Congratulations to the top 3 place getters
The Rok was awarded best new game buy the members
KK was distributed between the members using high card placings after all awards and photos taken
I wish to thank BB & Sonya for hosting BRC LVII at the Lugarno Palace Casino.
The Dinner & Catering were first class . Eats & Treats delectable !
The cacophony of noise ; at times resembling that of an A380 rumbling down the run way. { Another typical BRC } - { Just like Parliament at question time }
To : The Punter , Jagger & The Sniper.... I offer my congratulations .
Punter - Well done for overtaking the Jagger on the night that really mattered. The crown and title will sit with you for the next 12 months ... BUT ... You are now a marked man . { Beware ! }
Jagger - Commiserations - I know what it is like to have a wretched run of bad cards on the one night that matters. Take heart from " another podium finish ".
The Sniper - From 1st to 3rd .. Still a podium finish : and in front of many other world class , competitors . Well done.
I look forward to the next gathering at : THE TEMPLE OF DOOM in February where another season of mayhem will commence.
To you & your families I wish you a very Happy & Safe Xmas & Prosperous 2014.
The Rok
The True Peoples' Champion & Mein Host for BRC LVIII.
Notes from Sniper
Many thanks to the Bluffs (BB and Sonya) for hosting another excellent BRC. The pre-game sausage sizzle and salads were sensational and most appreciated. Very generous.
The night would have been even better if Punter had not dropped and smashed a bottle of St Hugo at a railway station on the way (that’s his story anyway) - bliss for the local scavengers, a sad loss for Punter and the thirsty membership.
Other points of note were –
1. For much of the night, and particularly early on, there was an unbelievable racket centred around BB’s end of the table – with very little substance or rational discussion i.e. meaningless noise. Members at the other end of the table were perplexed and asked for hearing protection, but their pleas were not heard.
2. There was much noise on the topic of defining the effect of “terminator” cards but then it was considered that there was not really much of an issue to be addressed. Later, once play was in progress, the issue arose and there was a major controversy – so much for the pre-game consideration of the matter!
3. In the main, the “innovative” games weren’t. Double Texas with the rows of cards slightly splayed was put forward by BB as some sort of innovative triangle - pathetic!
4. Evidence confirms that any game which uses the term “Bermuda Triangle” is hopeless and
ridiculous. I propose that “Bermuda Triangle” be permanently banned from BRC.
5. There was a continuous stream of nibbles during the event, which were most appreciated, and wonderful desserts and other goodies for the mid-evening tea/coffee break (thanks Sonya). Also, a large galaktoboureko turned up thanks to Maverick – an amazing and rare event.
6. Punter grumbled about a $100 (i.e. 10 cent) penalty for a misdeal while going on to win the 2013 championship – what a grouch!
7. Congratulations to Punter and Jagger for coming first and second respectively in 2013. Obviously Robyn and I are disappointed to have to pass on the trophy that has resided here at Mosman for nearly 12 months, but Punter’s win was well deserved.
8. Rok won an excellent bottle of red for some genuine innovation and offered to share it at the next BRC (at his place, the Ponderosa Ranch). How generous is that? – bring it on.
Best wishes to all BRC members and their respective families. I look forward to catching up with you all in 2014.
By the way, 7th and 21st February 2014 are both OK for me.