Thanks to the Developer and Mrs Developer for putting on a great well catered for BRC Event at the Developer's Palazzo Riverview.
The night started early for Developer, mini Developer, Punter and BB at the nearby Longueville Pub for a nice dinner and drinks. All went back to Developers place where TC Jagger was already waiting. Pregame drinks and nibbles as the Manly vs Bulldogs game started on TV with members coming in.
Game started minus Maverick, The Rok and Dam It!! at around 8.15pm., Developer was first dealer of the night. It was a good night all-round and as s usual there were highlights as follows:
1. Maverick arrived with the Galaktoboureko!!
2. The suggested "Innovation Games" was not taken on board by the members as a challenge from BB
3. BB won the first hand of the night
4. BB chose to sit back and let the other members lead the betting/raising for a change. This led to much smaller pots. The members however could not understand the logic of BB's tactic.
5. The Professor raised some eye brows when he dealt everyone and was ready to play an innovative game of "snakes tail" however forgot to deal in himself, necessitating a redeal.
6. BB's "reverse Texas" confused the members as did his next round "Mexican Sweat" in particular for the Punter who found it difficult to grasp despite having played this game another time.
7. BB's "Open Slater" game also created some debate with some members refusing to play
8. Party pies were enjoyed by the members at half time along with the coffees/tea and cakes at the 11pm break
9. Games finished with the Developer at almost on time at 1am
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