Dear BRC Members
My apology for the lateness of this update. As a result of the delay I can’t remember what happened on the night. I can only remember coming last again twice in a row. This needs to change.
The gathering was held at BigBluff's household. As per the normal high standard Mrs BigBluff provided some fabulous snacks during the evening. Even IUS wines was offered. Plenty of others were on offer to be drunk and were. Trophies for 2014 were presented, including the new “Dam it” trophy for second place holder
I had to look at the spreadsheet to find out who were placed 1st and 2nd and 3rd.
BigBluff 1st, The Rok 2nd and Developer 3rd
It is only the first round it is a good start and what as I have always stated, what counts is at the end of the season.
Good Luck and Enjoy it while you can at least until round 2?
TC Jagger
Notes from The Rok
I wish to thank Big Bluff & Sonya for hosting another chaotic BRC meeting at the Lugarno Palace Casino.
Another riotous evening with many highlights.
* The host - winning the night to claim maximum points . I feel it is bad manners for the host to win the night. The second place runner , should rightly be declared winner on the night. ! * The host - Plying the poor unsuspecting Punter with Grappa. I think I heard him say " It's not strong " & " It has medicinal qualities ". Poor Punter was never the same after that !
* A variety of new games was experimented on the night .... along with much confusion. Several of the games played resembled perverted versions of " The Bermuda Triangle ".
* The professor ; at times ; looked like he was desperately looking for a place to snooze { as per the final BRC 2104 where he came back & blitzed the field. } Alas , there was no lounge in sight & no come back !!
* Maverick arrived with goodies in hand : The Spanakopitas & Galatobouriko were delicious !
* No stats were taken on the night as Stats was statted out having statted at his sons baseball game.
* Last but not least ...... The JAGGER COMING , STONE COLD LAST !! --- Alas , it was not the Jagger's night ! The red chips slipped from his grasp like the England wicket keeper trying to catch snicks behind the stumps.
Thank you once again ,
Another evening of mayhem ,
The Rok
The True Peoples' Champion.
Notes from Sniper
Agreed - yet another excellent BRC, this time at the BB Lugarno Casino. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Bluff for the usual high standard of hospitality. Special thanks to Sonya who was busy in the kitchen for much of the evening while enduring the considerable noise from the playing area.
Mav failed to follow instructions and brought galaktoboureko despite being told not to bother and this time brought spanakopita as well – and we are all very grateful that he did.
The games were slow (what else is new?) and surrounded by the usual mayhem. I can’t remember many of the details, other than I only had 1½ wins and not surprisingly did pretty badly. BB had an excellent win at the end with his single queen of clubs securing a genuine straight flush which beat Punter’s “second best possible hand” and gave rise to him being the winner on the night – he wasn’t even bluffing; maybe that was a double bluff!
It was excellent to be the inaugural winner of the Dam It Trophy (for 2014) which was presented on the night and is a fantastic memory of our great friend Giovanni (Dam It) De Cataldo. Also, congratulations to Professor for winning the Walter Trophy for 2014 which honours Walter Ferraro, another departed friend and former card player at UNSW who also studied Engineering (occasionally).
Punter and I had a very straightforward trip back to his airport hotel but for some unknown reason he seemed to be slurring his words – he must have been very tired!
I particularly wish BB good fortune (as well as reward for effort) in his new venture with Marchese Partners – an engineer joining an architectural practice shows incredible courage (or foolishness).
Regards and best wishes to all.