I’d like to say a big “thank you” to Mr & Mrs GT for excellent hosting of BRC LXXI – what a great event! I think members would join me in declaring that GT stood for “Great Team” on the night. I can think of a few alternatives for GT under non hosting circumstances, but decline to mention them in this context.
Key memories for me (noting my advanced age and potential memory loss) are –
· Great food – the snacks just kept coming, interspersed with home-made goodies from the amazingly talented Stella – the spring rolls were brilliant and consequently instantly disappeared down eager throats; special thanks to Mav, as usual, for the galaktoboureko and other snacks including the modern day version of lolly-gobble-bliss-bombs
· As usual, it was a noisy event – Mav said that when he was arriving he just followed the source of the cacophony
· We were all enthralled at Banker’s “Embarrassing Bodies” discussion regarding a select few of his medical experiences. Roberto also made a contribution to this curious but interesting discussion. We look forward to the next episode which is expected to focus on genitalia, consistent with the Embarrassing Bodies TV show.
· It appears that skill is not necessarily the determinant of success – last round Punter was first and I was last; this time it was the other way round. And no wonder, when maniacs like (the mad) Professor come up with games like open slather with wild card undeclared until after all betting has concluded and hands (of those still in play) have been shown – where’s the skill in that game??!!
· In one hand the usually analytical Banker didn’t realise what a great and winning hand he had; I await some sort of thanks or recognition from Banker for pointing out his winning Royal Flush – some M&Ms or a glass of red perhaps?
· There were quite a few games where the number of strip (bad) community cards exceeded those in play (good). I won’t mention the player primarily behind this because he has already excessively featured above and doesn’t deserve such a high profile. However, could I suggest a more positive approach like rewarding holders of good cards rather than punishing those with bad cards? Sheesh!!
· Developer had an uncharacteristic “hissy fit” following a TC Jagger misdeal when he nominated the game after he had looked at his cards. Developer then sabotaged the replacement game – shame on you, Developer
All in all it was a very good night. Thanks again to the "Great Team".
Thanks Rick for the good summary.
Thanks for Mrs Stella Stats and Stats hosting an great evening with some great sweets and savouries.
I enclosed the results of the meeting.
First for the night Sniper, returning from the bottom of the last round to the top this round.
2nd for the night Banker, followed by BigBluff and the Professor. Last for the evening was Punter who swapped positions with Sniper this time around.!!
After round 2 the positions are
First Banker on 16 points.
2nd The Professor on 15 points
3rd Developer on 14 points
4th Bigbluff on 13 points
Equal 5th Punter, Sniper and the ROK.
8th Maverick on 8 points
Last TC Jagger on 6 points
It is certainly very tight at the top, with Banker holding a consistent line with 2nd or 3rd positions in both games. Statistics indicated you need an average of a minimum of 7 points/game to win the championship.
Unil he next meeting, sharpen your skills, but it looks like that TC Jagger will definitely be out of a podium finish.
TC Jagger