So, many thanks for Banker and Junior Banker for hosting at the Vault on the 19/4/2013. As a pre-dinner arrangement was not possible, Banker layout some fabulous Italian antipasto which everyone enjoyed together with the usual great wins. ( which BB missed). All members were present in including Big Bluff via a proxy organised prior with GT. Big Bluff was returning from Dubai a little too late to reach the starting time.
Some of the highlights included.
1) Game started promptly at 8 pm, with late comers arriving shortly after. ( Rok, Maverick and Sniper)
2) The first 3 games were won with 5 Aces!!!, yet by the end of the night 58% of the
games were won by 4 of a kind, ( thanks GT for the stats) the highest on record.
3) After a few slip ups by some of the members, the phrased “dumb arse” was well used and
by the end of the night it became common place every time someone made a mistake.
4) At the break, the official trophies for 2012 were distributed to the winners. Sniper 1st , Rok and Jagger.
5) Developer was of accused of stealing from Jagger’s winnings 2/5000 chips but only returning 1???? To total denial. Don’t worry Developer I believe you.
6) GT, doing very well playing like BB, in fact almost achieving the usual feat either last or first, coming in 9th.
7) At the end of the night Rok, remained a “loser”, not winning even half a hand all
night but was able to come in 8th. A feat not recorded before? Well done ROK.
8) Fortunately for the Host, Banker winning 7.5 hands and winning the night, Punter a close second with 9 winning hands, followed by The professor with 3 winning hands, Sniper with 2 winning hands, and 4th TC Jagger with 5.5 winning hands!!!. Amazing, it highlights that winning the important hands, and “know when to fold them and when to hold them”.
9) After 2 rounds for 2013, the positions are Banker 1ston 19 points, Punter 2nd on 17 points and TC Jagger 3rdon 16 points.
Gentlemen, If I have I have missed anything let me know.
A very good, with everyone leaving in a very joyous mood, while at the same time looking forward to the next event.
TC Jagger
Notes from Sniper
Another excellent BRC meeting on 29 April at the Russell Lea
Vault. Many thanks to Banker for hosting the event. There was an enticing spread of
antipasto and other goodies and as usual I spent much of the night grazing.
More on the subject of food and drink – there were a few good bottles of red around the place including an excellent St Henri shiraz from Jagger and an equally good St Hugo (from Punter??); there were other valuable food contributions from members as well. Some M&Ms hit the table very early in the night. I noticed Jagger munching M&Ms and sipping St Henri pretty much at
the same time – is there something wrong with his palette or does he have multiple addictions? Greek treats from Maverick proved to be a big hit as usual (except in February at the Mosman
fox-hole when Mav arrived extremely late and empty-handed).
The theme of the night was “dumb-ass” and there were a number of examples of dumb-ass behaviour throughout the evening. One that springs to mind was a hand of George Cross in which Banker and Developer were competing for supremacy along one axis with Banker coming out on
top; while Banker was raking in the pot it was pointed out to Developer that he had a better hand on the other axis and had actually won – Dumb-Ass! Luckily for Developer the oversight was identified before the loot had been dragged into Banker’s “account” and Developer wound up with the
GT represented Big Bluff admirably, replicating the BB style – there would have been more “freecards” if had not been for GT on behalf of BB.
The game pace was very slow but the noise level was very high. BB called in from Dubai but
could not make himself heard and consequently resorted to SMS, partly in
frustration. It appeared to the assembled members, based on advice from Punter, that BB was “having a barbecue on his own”.
At the mid-evening break coffee and (Greek) dessert were served and there was a presentation of trophies for the 2012 BRC competition. Junior Banker Oliver helped us out by taking photos – thanks Oliver, much appreciated.
The last hand with the host (Banker) as dealer finished at 1.04pm, which was food timing in view of the slow pace of games over the evening.
Banker had clearly applied a local algorithm or force (akin to the Coriolis effect) that tilted the table to where he was sitting and consequently he was the big winner on the night. Congrats to Banker and thanks again for being host.
Another good night for the BRC!

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